Hey guys!
I've finally decided to create a blog. Long overdue but with my upcoming adventures, I thought what better time to make one and commit myself to it.
Starting this August, I'll be studying abroad at Colorado State University for one semester, or until Christmas for all you English folk. I study criminology so I'll be "majoring in Criminal Justice" once I'm over there.
It's been such a long process to get here it's actually a little surreal. In exactly 3 weeks I'll be flying into Denver, taking a bus to Fort Collins, moving into my halls and starting my orientation. Then on August 25th classes will officially start.
I don't have an assigned room yet, and the entire process of finding a roommate is, well... an experience. I've managed to find one and she seems lovely, plus it's nice having someone in the same boat as me since we both don't know what to expect. Good considering CSU has around 30,000 students, definitely not like the 'Keele bubble' at all!
I'm spending my last few days in Liverpool packing, seeing people and feeling loved when people ask me not to go. I guess that's all left to say really. I'm not sure how often I'll post, but I'll make a promise to keep the majority of my study abroad experience here rather than annoy everyone on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. So if you've bothered to read this, I hope you enjoy hearing about my experiences now and hopefully many more places in the years to come!