Sunday, 23 November 2014


This past week winter came early to Fort Collins with temperatures reaching -20ºC... yes that's celsuis. Despite the fact it was bloody freezing, it was a nice chance to get to see campus looking all wintery once fall was ending everywhere lacked a bit of colour. One evening Leif, Chrissie, Jack, Leni and Katie decided we wanted to go and see what downtown looked like after class, and what a bright idea that was! We ended up having a huge snowball fight, which some people like me not prepared with waterproof gloves, and had to walk home feeling extra chilly. By the time we got back to change before a little study session, my legs were glowing pink where I'd been pelted, not pleasant to say the least!

The next day Leif and I went on a little scout of a tattoo parlour where he was planning to get his own little design done. Since it was so cold on the walk back, we decided to go to Lucille's for a chai to warm up. We both knew it wouldn't just be a chai whem we saw the menu, and we felt like we were cheating on Caragh since she wasn't us. Sadly, I couldn't be there for his actually tattoo appointment the next day since I had to leave to meet my parents at the airport.

We headed into Denver, ate some good food then went to see the Black Keys at the Pepsi Centere. The highlight had to be some guy smoking a spliff in the middle of the arena, something I didnt realise I considered normal until I saw their faces! The weekend in Breckenridge that followed was stupidly cold and blizzard like, so what did the Puzzars do? Go in an outdoor hot tub... bright idea until you want to get out but have to face snow with no shoes on.

I couldn't spend much time with them while they were in Fort Collins because of my classes and crazy workload, but I did get to show them the Chi O house, something I'm pretty happy about :) On that note, it also got confirmed this week that the national president of Chi O is letting me be initiated early which I am so excited about :D I'm so grateful to Bree and Sara especially for their hard work in making that happen, and it was definitely worth it to hear my pledge classes reaction to the announcement after our Christmas photo taking!
Finally, the last dayof my parent's visit ended with a trip to Sundance! We brought along Leif, Caragh, Megan, Jonny and Carly... all fun and games until my dad posted a video of Leif and I line dancing without our knowledge. What can I say, after learning the dance to Footloose and it not being played, we weren't going to let that hard work go to waste!

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