Tuesday 3 December 2019

Exploring Aichi, Ishikawa and Gifu.

After a year of Haruka living in Japan, I finally made time to visit her new abode in Nagoya. It was refreshing after the hectic summer of newbies arriving in the city, and just what I needed for some me time.
In a moment of madness, I thought it best to take my first ever night bus to and from Nagoya. Following the questionable looks I got from most people, I was expecting the worst, but frankly I slept like a baby and couldn’t wait for my adventures.

I mainly spent the weekend at Haruka’s enjoying aspects of her new life; meeting friends, relaxing in her local area, and spending time together like in our uni days. Despite Nagoya being one of the bigger cities in Japan, I was surprised at having felt like one day was sufficient enough to see all I wanted to see.
We strolled around the famous Osu shopping district then headed to Nagoya Castle. My highlight? Briefly chatting with a yakuza member on vacation, in what could only be described as a plaid two piece, as he eyed up my gold leaf soy ice cream.

After spending the weekend together, I embarked on some solo travels to some places I’ve always wanted to visit. First up was Kanazawa in Ishikawa; somewhere I`d been introduced to pretty recently. The famous sight is Kenrokuen, when in winter the pine trees have structures erected to keep them from collapsing in the heavy snow. I strolled around all day, visited Omicho market, old samurai houses and even stopped to make my own lacquer jewellery box decorated in gold leaf.

Fun fact: tanukis (raccoon dogs) were believed to have magically expanding scrotums that could stretch to the size of eight tatami mats. Back in the day, metal workers in Kanazawa would wrap gold in the tanuki testicles and hammer it to make the thinnest gold leaf possible. Hence, needing a skin that could stretch.
No doubt my favourite thing to arise from this is the slag for testicles, kintama,  from the words meaning "small ball of gold". The balls began being sold as wallets, said to stretch your money the way they stretched gold. Alas I`m yet to find one, nor were any tanuki`s harmed in the making of my lacquer box.

Next stop was Gifu, visiting the adorable quaint villages of Shirakawa-go and Takayama. When I first arrived, I held back and let the wave of tourists visiting rush ahead to the observation point. As the morning dew began to lift, a light drizzle came over the village, creating a mystical fairytale vibe. The smell of burning wood from the the stoves of the thatched houses added to the atmosphere.

It`s easy to understand why Shirakawa-go is an UNESCO World Heritage site, but what saddened me was that most visitors seem to rush about to take photos before heading on their way. I was grateful to have the day there, to really enjoy the nature and even take a quick dip in the local onsen overlooking the river.

Takayama was unbelievably still when I arrived, with the sun beginning to set. The mountain air was brisk even in early autumn, and few besides locals were wandering the streets. Never the less, thanks to my new found love (read *the beautiful English speaking hostel manager who I`ve vowed to marry, unbeknownst to him*) I entertained myself at an archery range and scouted out some must visit places for the next day. The next morning was spent walking through the morning markets, trying an abundance of higa beef specialities, and a quick sake tasting at a local brewery before heading back to Nagoya to begin the journey home.

So far, I think visiting the Hida region has been my favourite solo trip to date. Usually I`m not one to embrace things like free tours, but I threw caution to the wind this time and met the nicest of people. In Kenrokuen, since few people were there so early, I took up a tour guides offer to show me around. She was a super sweet, retired teacher who taught me some interesting things about the park, and acted as my personal photographer despite my protests.
In Shirakawa-go, I met a university student who was offering free tours in English. Turns out I was the first person in two days to take her up on her offer, as most people visit there fleetingly. We walked around, chatted and ate lunch together before I headed to the onsen. Whilst I`m one to always have a full schedule day to day, its little things like that which make me appreciate having time to spend to myself and just embrace a little bit of freedom.

Although all of these places would have been a million times more magical in winter, I had to weigh the pros and cons of being committed to using countryside buses in heavy snow. I consumed way too much miso over the few days, and felt my first "miso hangover". Not quite comparable to the beef jerky salt consumption incident in Sasebo (Olivia, Sheridan and Sim... how are we even alive?!), but enough to make me hold off for a little while. When in Hida, hey. That`s the only downside to not having a travel partner, they`re great when it comes to trying all sorts of local delicacies.

All in all, I managed to cross off three new prefectures during a five day weekend, and I’m nearing the halfway mark out of all 47. I could do better, but now I`ve done all of the places nearby, it requires much more time, planning and money to do what I want. That, coupled with a lot of big events in the upcoming year, means the bucket list is getting smaller but even more exciting. Nevertheless, I`m not stopping, and am absolutely loving visiting charming spots around the country.

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