Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Ume hanami, you've stolen my heart.

The most beautiful season in Japan is approaching fast, and that, to me at least, is cherry blossom season. However, something that is most definitely overlooked are the plum blossoms, which come into season a little earlier.

This weekend, I went on a day trip to Dazaifu for some plum blossom viewing (ume hanami), with Kohei, his sister Hana, and her boyfriend, Ryo. Despite being a little early for the full bloom, it was absolutely stunning walking around the grounds of the Tenmangu Shrine. 
The colours were so much more varied than that of the cherry blossom, and being the pink-lover I am, I fell in love instantly. No words do it justice.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been somewhere so crowded with tourists, but it was nice being able to escape from the hustle and bustle, hide amongst some plum trees, and eat my new favourite snack: umegae mochi.
Whoever thought azuki (red bean) filled mochi that’s warm and crispy was a great idea, I applaud you.

The week earlier, Kohei and I took a drive up to Mojiko Retro Club, an area of Kitakyushu which connects Kyushu onto the main island.
The Kitakyushu Gotochi Hello Kitty seems to be proving rather elusive in my travels too, so it gives me even more of an excuse to keep going back.

Even better, I got a picture with the resident mascot, Jiimo, even if he does look suspiciously phallic.
I can claim to have ‘seen’ Yamaguchi now, but that will have to wait for another time, preferably when the weather isn’t so baltic.

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