Saturday, 20 May 2017

Kumamoto Sake and Shochu Tasting

A few weeks ago we’d been asked if we wanted to attend a sake and shochu tasting event in the city, and even though we didn’t expect much from it, we thought we’d give it a go. Sheridan and I walked into said event both wearing Birkenstocks, while everyone else was in suits. We’d seriously misjudged the evening, but that’s what the term “gaijin smash” is for. 
Chase also joined us, and somehow got roped into being one of the select few who got to dress up and break the barrel of sake with a hammer. From that moment on, everyone was greeting us, giving us their business cards, and one man even offered us a visit to the onsen at his hotel near Mount Aso for free. 

We also had a very jolly man at our table who wouldn’t let our glasses go empty. I’d like to say it was purely his fault for the states we ended up in, but I’ll admit we did our fair share of tasting at the stalls before the event even officially started. I’ve found a new love for all kinds of sake and shochu, a heavenly plum wine, and even a magical orange liquor. All of which are made by breweries in the prefecture, so they’ll be my go to presents now for people back home wanting a bit of Kumamoto in their lives.

Speaking of which, Sheridan had a mild heart attack and convinced herself Kumamon was going to attend. To all of our disappointment, he didn’t, but we did meet Miss Sake, a super nice girl around our age, who spent the evening looking pretty and presenting the raffle. 
Typical me, I didn’t win a baldy thing in the raffle, and felt seriously left out when both Sheridan and Clare did. Cue Clare giving an impromptu and unnecessary speech (much to the delight of the crowd and embarrassment of us) but hey, that’s why we love her! Major thanks to the random man who gifted Sheridan a bottle of plum wine though, it was my favourite one of the whole evening, even if it was seemingly a pity bottle when she gave it to me.

Look out for us this week on TV and in the newspaper; judging by the amount of cameras shoved in our faces, we’re bound to be somewhere. Let’s just hope they don’t decide to use their interview with me... failing to know how to describe how the sake tasted smooth, I proceeded to do an action that ended up being a tipsy body roll. Not how I expected my Thursday evening to turn out at all!

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